Ever heard of Intuitive Eating?

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Pandemic isolation, it's impact on our work and private life, the gloomy winter weatherâť„- all this may impact our mental wellbeing today more than everđź’› For many of us, this can be reflected in emotional eating. For me, comfort eating was always the way to deal with any challenges I was facing. This would lead me to having a very unhealthy relationship with food as it would be an escape from the difficulty I was experiencing, a way to numb myself. Overeating would then lead me to going on constant diets to loose what I gained through my emotional 'feasts'. And that would become a vicious circle which became a way of life - mindless eating when I'm stressed and then depriving myself of tasty food to loose the extra pounds. The idea of 'enjoying food' became alien to me. Years later, I came across Intuitive Eating- a concept that gained lots of popularity recently as a response to the damages done by the dieting industry which has disconnected many of us from our bodies and its needs. It shows you how to eat in sync with what your body needs and feels. It helps you place food and the activities related to it where they belong and not mix them with other situations where eating won't solve the problem or make you feel any better. It makes you more mindful and far more attuned to your feelings. Simply acknowledging a negative emotion is a way to cope with an unpleasant situation. We can't control what's happening around us, but we can seek ways to cope with our emotions in a healthier way- and there are many helpful tools out there which can be adapted to the situation we are living in-from CBT, through mindulness, yoga, journaling...its about finding what works for you.


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